Farron launches bid to create more land for Kendal allotments
South Lakeland MP Tim Farron is appealing to Kendal landowners and farmers to consider renting part of their land to the town council to be used as allotments after Kendal council revealed that they no longer have enough allotments available to match the demand.
There are currently around 200 people waiting for allotments in Kendal. Under Mr Farron's proposal, Kendal town council would rent land from farmers and landowners at the edge of town, which would then be let out to local residents for use as allotments.
Mr Farron is hoping his proposal will reduce the lengthy allotment waiting lists and help more local residents beat the recession and help the environment by growing their own food. The proposal would also provide a new source of income to local farmers.
Commenting Mr Farron said:
"Over the last 30 years the amount of land given over to allotments in the UK has dropped by almost 50% because of the availability of cheap food at the supermarkets.
"In Kendal we now have a situation where over 200 people are stuck waiting for an allotment space to be freed up. We have to find a solution to this.
"Given the amount of land available, Kendal town council could strike a deal with local landowners to rent part of their land out to the council to free up more space for allotments.
"I'd certainly encourage any local landowner or farmer to get in contact with Kendal town council and provide local residents with the opportunity to grow their own food and dig their way out of the recession."