Farron calls for parliamentary debate to raise awareness over ovarian cancer
Local MP Tim Farron is hoping to move his campaign to raise awareness about ovarian cancer on to the next stage by securing a debate in Parliament following the success of his Early Day Motion which has been signed by over 45 MPs from across all parties.
Ovarian Cancer is now the fourth most common cancer amongst women with over 7000 new cases being diagnosed each year in the UK. At present only 30% of women diagnosed with ovarian cancer survive beyond 5 years.
Mr Farron has written to the Speaker of House requesting a debate to coincide with Ovarian Cancer Action Awareness Month that is currently underway, which aims to raise awareness about earlier detection and better understanding of the symptoms of ovarian cancer.
Commenting Mr Farron said:
"March is Ovarian Cancer Action month and all over the UK leaflets, posters and events will draw attention to this neglected disease and help raise awareness of its symptoms as well as raising funds to provide better diagnostic tools and improved treatment
"I'm delighted that my small contribution to the campaign has been so well received by my fellow MPs and would encourage others to take the time to recognise the importance of supporting ovarian cancer research by signing my early day motion.
"I think it would be fitting if the speaker now granted my request to have a full parliamentary debate to coincide with the work of Ovarian Cancer Action and help them move towards achieving their mission of saving women's lives by increasing awareness about the disease."
Notes to editors:
1. EDM 967 Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month by Tim Farron MP http://edmi.parliament.uk/EDMi/EDMDetails.aspx?EDMID=38051&SESSION=899