'Farmers lose £29 on every lamb they sell, this must end' - Farron

South Lakes MP Tim Farron has backed the NFU's call for retailers to demonstrate genuine commitment to their British suppliers and customers after a 22% fall in the farmgate lamb price, despite the price on the supermarket shelves staying static.
The NFU has said that farmers are now losing on average £29 for every lamb they sell at market, after new figures revealed farm gate prices had dropped by a fifth in the past year. With lamb prices at their lowest for three years, the situation for farmers has been made worse by rising production costs caused by the extreme weather in 2012. Impacts from the lamb-deforming 'Schmallenberg disease' are also being felt with the spring lamb season about to get underway.
Tim has regularly spoken out on behalf of farmers and has been described by the NFU as a 'true ally'.
Tim said: "This research shows the power of the supermarkets. They are using their power to squeeze farmers, short change customers and boost their profits. We need to make sure the forthcoming supermarket regulator has real teeth so it can act against practices like this. The sooner the regulator is up and running, the better it will be for both farmers and consumers."