Crime report shows need for police numbers in rural areas - Farron

A new report into rural crime highlights the need for increased police numbers in rural areas such as Cumbria, according to local MP Tim Farron.
The report into rural crime, compiled by NFU mutual, found that rural crime costs the North West region £4million pounds in 2015. Alarmingly, this was a 3% increase on the year before, meaning that rural crime in the North West increased at more than 7 times the national rate of 0.4%.
Many farmers have been the targets of criminals, with the cost of tractor thefts rising by 0.6% nationally and the cost of livestock theft going up by 7%.
However, there was also some good news, with the report stating that the cost of All Terrain Vehicle thefts has fallen by 6% nationally and the number of equine related thefts down by 25%.
Tim said: "Last year the government tried to slash the funding for Cumbria Police, which would have drastically reduced officer numbers. Although they eventually backed down, there are concerns they will try to bring these plans back later this year.
"This report is a timely reminder of the true cost of rural crime. Farmers in Cumbria should have just as much right to feel safe and have their property protected as people living in big cities.
"It is critical for our area that Cumbria Police is given the funding it needs to keep police on the beat and tackle rural crime."