Conservative plans will take lunches away from 13,000 children in Cumbria
Tim Farron has slammed Conservative plans, announced in their manifesto, to take free lunches away from 12,779 children in Cumbria.
Free school lunches for pupils from reception to Year 2 were introduced by the Liberal Democrats in government, but Theresa May now plans to scrap them. The changes would cost families an average extra £480 a year for every child.
The Conservatives are also proposing to make older people pay for social care costs from the value of their own homes when they die. This means on average, families in Cumbria would expect to see one third of the value of their home spent on care costs.
Tim said: "This Conservative manifesto shows the nasty party is back. The Conservatives are betraying working families by snatching school lunches from their children and their homes when they die. The nasty party is back - hitting families from cradle to grave.
"Margaret Thatcher was known as the milk snatcher, it seems Theresa May will go down as the lunch snatcher.
"She is cynically snatching meals away from almost 13,000 children in Cumbria, while the elderly receiving care in their own home will face a 'Personal Death Tax' charged against their home.
"The Liberal Democrats will offer a brighter future by extending free school meals to all primary schools. This is an evidence-based policy which will help give every child a fair chance in life.
"I will stand up to Conservative cuts, to protect those that need the most help and fight for more funding for our schools and hospitals."